Am I or I am being sentimental and soft-being to a specific thing?(thats a lame start =p)
I remembered that "someone" really like this photo and I decided to upload it here.
I'm not good in words though. =D and hey, although I'm not there with "you". We could always go skype, msn, facebook etc. I was so so so relieved to hear your voice, first thing in the morning. Listen you talking and laughing. (Do I sound obsess?haaha) I'm sorry, I didn't talk much. I just wanna hear your sweet voice crawling into my ears. =D enough with the cheap and sweet talk.
Wanna let you know, if you feel lonely or missing someone. Make yourself available to watch the moon and feel the breeze there as it felt like the love flows into your veins to your heart..(haahaha..ok) I'm talking serious here =p The moon represents someone who you love and it reminds you of someone all time. The moon is always there for you, dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, midnight..
"always be there for you"