> saying these doesn't mean we should commit suicide nor heavenly cracked. life maybe unfair. but no, life always be fair.
keeping my heads up and heart strong requires lot of things, saying, love, care, respect, enthusiast, willing etc. i'm living my life in hatred and regrets. never felt this way before but ya, we should face it though.
to be honest, i'm losing myself up, out of hopes and paths. i've said alot of things but didn't done it very well. now is the time to change things a bit, make things more better.
my point is, i'm sorry to those who felt like i'm a troublemaker and a heart-breaker. i'm not prefect too though and do all of you guys out there. i wanted to change things up too. and i do require some help especially to those who really committed to any relationship. yet, i'm really sorry sayang. i love you, and i'm empty without your presence.
p/s i hope you guys could catch up what i've written because it's late. i can't sleep too. to sayang, i love you so much.