Sunday, October 24, 2010

Visit me

visit me at

sooner i wont be blogging anymore.

thank you.azhar

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I just want to see you, when you're all alone.
I just want to catch you, if i can.
I just want to be there, when the morning light explodes.

I can't escape I love you till The End.

Hmm, there's something not comfortable inside me. I miss you so much. Is it ok if I say "I love you from here" than directly?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On the other side.

#1. My car needs repair.
#2. I'm out of cash.
#3. My allowance are not yet release.
#4. How could these things HAPPENED when I REALLY NEED A CAR!!

#Lastly, i wish I found someone like you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Life is awesome in some way. All we have to do is be honest and try to accept the truth and avoid blame(s) and stuff.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Memories won't be forgotten.

Our 1st time skype. You were still in Brunei.

Your last day in Brunei. For your leave to UK, proceeding your A's, Degree, MA & PHD (Insya allah)

You're in UK. Our 1st skype where I get to sleep late till morning - 8am. =D

Lastly, the moment that I will never ever ever forget. Our 1st skype till we've fallen asleep. Which I the troublemaker who doesn't wanna hung up. That time, where I was missing you so much till then.

I never expected that I have tonnes of your pictures in my folder, where you were snapped on skype live.hee. I love you Najihah......

May & may not.

What would life be if that thing doesn't exist.

You, i love you so much. I may be late for that but yeah, Ive gotten my chance to love you so much till then though. Lets be straight, no one knows about my site yet so I wanna say her name here very clear. Nurnajihah Kamaliah Bte Mohd Redzuan.

I may not be able to list the things that we've done together, which we didn't do something special about it. I may remember some of the things that we spent our time together.

I don't have much to say but one thing, I love you so much Najihah. I'm sorry if some of my says are offensive or something to you.. I wanna let all the things out.

P/S: Loving you ain't a sin but a heaven above me in some way. "I may not Compete but I never Give Up"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Like what?

What would earth look like without love in you? Love in our personality & emotion. Love to some you trusted, believed, cared etc.

There are no rules in love. Love rules doesn't exist in life.

Of coarse the word 'LOVE' everyone knows about it.

Well my point is, try to not think or hesitate in loving someone..

Monday, September 27, 2010

Missing you..

I miss the ol'days.

I miss the time when you're close.

I miss you and especially you NurNajihah Kamaliah..

Singapore.Orchard Road.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

You know who you are..

You, you, you and you.. I miss you..


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Over the horizon.

Am I or I am being sentimental and soft-being to a specific thing?(thats a lame start =p)

I remembered that "someone" really like this photo and I decided to upload it here.

I'm not good in words though. =D and hey, although I'm not there with "you". We could always go skype, msn, facebook etc. I was so so so relieved to hear your voice, first thing in the morning. Listen you talking and laughing. (Do I sound obsess?haaha) I'm sorry, I didn't talk much. I just wanna hear your sweet voice crawling into my ears. =D enough with the cheap and sweet talk.

Wanna let you know, if you feel lonely or missing someone. Make yourself available to watch the moon and feel the breeze there as it felt like the love flows into your veins to your heart..(haahaha..ok) I'm talking serious here =p The moon represents someone who you love and it reminds you of someone all time. The moon is always there for you, dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, midnight..

"always be there for you"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Name it.

Well, I would love to see this photo all the time. It meant to me something special. And hey, sunflowers ain't so bad for abit romance yeah? =D

Cheers and have a wonderful holiday everyone..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It says it all

I'm standing
I'm waiting
I'm falling more in love with you
every time I find myself here
and what I feel for you
it can't be contained
and how I long for you to come
I want to get carried away by you

and everything I want is everything you are
everything I am is yours
it's yours and yours alone
everything I want you are

I've got nothing to lose except myself
I can do without cause I'll just get in your way
so here I am I know it's not a lot
but all of it is yours
and by letting go I felt so much more

everything I want is everything you are
everything I am is yours
it's yours and yours alone
everything I want is everything you are
and everything I am is yours
it's yours and yours alone
it's yours and yours alone
it's yours and yours alone
it's yours and yours alone

I am standing
I am waiting
I'm following
with hopes of
getting closer
I'd do anything
I am running
not sure where I'm going
and going as fast as I can
and I'm trusting
that you'll lead me
and carry me the rest of the way

everything I want is everything you are
everything I am is yours
it's yours and yours alone
everything I want is everything you are
and everything I am is yours
it's yours and yours alone
it's yours and yours alone
it's yours and yours alone
it's yours and yours alone
yours and yours alone

everything I want is everything you are
everything I am is yours
it's yours and yours

p/s: you know who you are..

"I'll wait for you"

Monday, August 30, 2010

It felt like you're always here..

I'm getting sentimental over you,
god tell me what's happening.

Where my morning miss you,
and my evening seeks you..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

complication in life with something

>it's been awhile.hello again blogspot and dear readers.miss reading something boring from here?=p

anyways,life.a simple word,consist 4 letters in ' gave us everything when we started to breathe on earth.

life.. is something we should matter what happens.

it wouldn't be call life if the story line is dull.but it doesn't mean the story line must be like a drama,romantic scene or long there's a main character and its surroundings.

Here it starts.i know i'm a boring person to someone but that wouldn't be the boring part yet,right?i love this girl but things ain't going well because of some reason.

but hey,it's not the end of my life, yeah?fate,we don't actually know what happens,now we're going to face it and accept it..

i hope its a worth of time for reading this.thanks.

ps/ i always love you.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


> there's nothing much to say, but I've been wondering of : 1. Why am i still single? 2. Am I happy being single? 3. Or maybe I don't know how to love girls properly anymore?

It is random though. But I wish I could solve it all. Most importantly, I miss hanging out with my close friends, especially.

I miss hanging out with my neighbors at Rimba.


As we get older, my close friends, my new friends, my best friend, any friend. I wish our friendship never ends.

I wish to be with a "girl" who loves me like her own family and treat my friends like her own friends and stuff. I didn't mean to be selfish here or controlling her life or what, IT IS an effort for both sides to be equal. We may argue or what, but we also can solve it smoothly; not blaming each other till death. It is a turn off when they wish and promise but it's a fake.

Baby, you've seen my world inside and out,
but you didn't even bother to feel inside me.

Baby, I love you full of my heart,
but it's nothing to you.

Baby, I beg you not to leave,
but you did it.

Baby, I may be a jealousy type,
but then you don't now why.

Baby, you need to live in your own way,
It is not call an effort for both side.

Baby, I've got nothing much anymore,
so, happy shall you be.

p/s : it's not i hate girls. Hoping someday you guys change for a better way for your future guy. CHEERS

(i got no idea what am i saying)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hello Singapore.

> 'supp guys.. currently i'm in Singapore for a week then to Jakarta. This is my day 5th day in Singapore. An info for you guys out there. Singapore as I experiencing it. It's a "fine" city. I heard rumors said that eating 'chewing gums','smoking' and 'spitting' is illegal. All I see here is different. Well, for those smoking buffs, just find a trash with an ashtray attached to it. Now, youre legal to smoke=D

I found myself missing someone so much. From the 2nd day, I miss mama and Yasmin so much.

Yet, and there are few people i'm missing off too. Which is, Azilah. Although, we're through from our relationship. People kept on saying that I should "move on" but it's true. But the love, the caress, the soft tender touch of you ain't getting nowhere in me. I'm thinking of seeing you someday and somehow.

Stop with that sad stories. Back to Singapore. Yada yada yada(mumblings). I've been spending 300++ SGD for just only 2 days. You see the picture why right. =D

Emm, I think I'm stopping here. I'll post something interesting, soon.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Think of a life(cool story though)(i think)

> haahahahahahaha.. lets start with a laugh. cause i think my world spins like a triangle motion( can't quite imagine how though) =p here, i got this interesting story of two things living in their love life named, thing and thong.

once a upon a time, when thing was in a relationship, he wondered, why he fell in love and why he claimed his life as a lover to the world? then, months passes by like no other rain would stop raining. Thing came across a beautiful, friendly, "being herself", and ya, lovable(mihiir) girl named Thong.

yet, weeks later, thong had an appointment with his vice president of 'Thong Corporation' but didn't expect to make it and she was sacked by her own boss.

sunny blue sky, ducks and a child was drowning in the pond(well, nada org pduli) Thong had bumped with a guy "Thing".

"sorry miss,you look sad. wanna grab some beer?"
"hmmph, why not." replied Thong.
"Thing by the way." "Thong"

there were something caught in their eyes.

Thong admitted to herself that she might love Thing as her soulmate whatsoever.

months later, Thing made a decision to propose Thong to me his mate for life. "Thong" Thing kneeling down with his innocent eyes. "would you be part of me and love me till the end of time and always love me although i gain 70 pounds weight?" Thong was very shocked that she had hibernate for a second and "welll... i'll think about that" immediately Thing said, "don't be a such a bitch though. just say it,i aint got much time laadyy."

well, yeah its a freakin cool relationship though. but ...

every month, they celebrate their anniversary with lots of love and Thing once promised Thong, "Baby, i promise you with my heart and soul i won't ever ever leave you, as a matter of fact, i love you and youre not part of my life but you ARE my LIFE" they kissed tenderly and Thong, "i will promise you not to leave you too"

8 to 9 months in relationship, or maybe 6 to 7 months. Thong had to go to Switzerland, a job was assigned for her for 4 years. Thing left his tears on her shoulder and Thong left her lingerie soaked in Thing's mouth.

for 4 years without any contact and all that. the day for Thong to arrive home. Thing waited her with warm embrace, love and flowers. minutes after the airplane had landed. Thong was there, on her way out from the luggage inspection without noticing Thing was there standing. ... ... ... Thing ran as fast as he could and ....

Thong was with another guy arriving and planned to get married. Thing was crushed and never really to find another woman as he was a loyal, trusted mother fucker.

Thing's friend once told him, that the guy Thong brought was just to make Thing jealous and mad and decides to break up. but Thing aint that stupid enough to be fool just like that. so one night, Thong called and wanted a break up between Thing. so Thing had to accept the hell of it.

Years and years, Thing had his flashback of his lovelife,"i will promise you not to leave you too" ... well, yeah guys i know this things suck.. then, Thing decided to contact Thong back as a welcome back to earth. yeah, they were contacting each other, going out for dinner and all that stuff which kinda missing it sometimes.

but it didn't even last long,they had a fight and Thing wanted to say sorry but Thong didn't even accept it. only IGNORANCE which makes people not human. "where's your humanity you WHORE??" anger in Thing's soul. 'between you and me not gonna change''i think youre my one' phrases Thing had come across in his life but it's not fair to him. and yet, Things gonna be the most powerfull of 'What city' in earth.

haaahahahahaha..atu baru ya buat composition.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dear readers.

> its been like hell these days. especially you!! HRS. stop bugging our life and stop your silliness of craze. if my English ain't good enough for you. lets settle this in a manly way.

if you are a true man. stop pushing people around like you're the god of juniors. stop being such an ass wandering around our life. reveal your ass in the publicity that you're a coward that you only stalk and love a girl from behind. punch me in the face "reality" if you dare to. say that you really meant to me what you hate towards us, especially me.

here's the point. although i'm not Zilah's guy anymore. still, you don't have too say something rude. may be, i'm not a good guy, let it be. even i don't give zilah something that she needs, why do you care??


Haahahahahaha, think man. your reputation towards Zilah ain't going nowhere. yet, our thought towards you are ain't good enough. stop being a jerk and meet us as a true man.

To all my mates, keep in mind. you guys don't have to worry anything. he's still a child who cries at his mommy's shoulder. Peace guys.

sincerely from,
Azhar Hanafi

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My word~

> yeah, school term is almost over. work, work, work. that's all.

here's the thing, i just finished my phone call with this girl. well, yeah, i miss her so much. and it ended like, emm, she fell asleep i guess. and the most beautiful part is when i ... yeah, you get what i mean. but to those who doesn't, just let it be that way=p

all my homeworks? emm, i haven't started a thing. but i have a trust on myself that i would finish it in an outstanding night. which is a bad habit to be practice. but i work things out as i plan. hmm, i've been thinking of having my time not fully on my studies which means not that i stop studying. which i need a confidence in being a leader as i'll get a leadership certificate.

*am i talking crap? yes, obviously you think i'm crazy or something. i'm just, sort of, excited, i guess. its been months i haven't called a girl. now, ya, i'm so happy and i always love you someone!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Does it matter to you?

> was great. in certain. well ya, almost 3 to 4 months haven't seen my ex-classmates. it's like, it doesn't change at all. all of us, are still the same. crazy, loud, assert and hyper. been spending my time so so so much with the guys that i use to hang out and Najihah for the fact, Hadi's girlfriend.

here's the big part. walky-walky around there. and accidentally saw Azilah standing near a shop. well, for me it's very big, as in, it is important to me so much. when i said 'mana yg lain?' i was like, i'm standing infront of a new girl that i haven't met. my heart beats stronger and i went blank and she left.

i know, i'm wasting your time on this small deal of essay though. i just need to express my feelings too kan? at least here might be good but not all.

for you,Az, i love you still.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Live or die is not our choice

> saying these doesn't mean we should commit suicide nor heavenly cracked. life maybe unfair. but no, life always be fair.

keeping my heads up and heart strong requires lot of things, saying, love, care, respect, enthusiast, willing etc. i'm living my life in hatred and regrets. never felt this way before but ya, we should face it though.

to be honest, i'm losing myself up, out of hopes and paths. i've said alot of things but didn't done it very well. now is the time to change things a bit, make things more better.

my point is, i'm sorry to those who felt like i'm a troublemaker and a heart-breaker. i'm not prefect too though and do all of you guys out there. i wanted to change things up too. and i do require some help especially to those who really committed to any relationship. yet, i'm really sorry sayang. i love you, and i'm empty without your presence.

p/s i hope you guys could catch up what i've written because it's late. i can't sleep too. to sayang, i love you so much.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mistake to memories

> a 10 minutes read of my mistakes in a relationship within 9 months. she is Azilah Mohamed, my only and only one that i love in deeply in my heart. i care about her very very much and yet,it is just so different falling in love with her. i never play, linger nor ignore or even not care about her. all i have been through is a feeling that no other girl could give, to keep my promise not to hurt her, treat her as my only only one. unsuccessful.

this is my mistake, all i have done, not all. i control her so badly 'till she tears apart and yet, i just can't tell myself how stupid i am. and some of my promise had been broken. ... ... ...

the fact, between Azilah (sayang) and i. i do, really love her so much and wanna change my things up and make things better too. 9 months, it is very meaningful livin' that 9 months with you Azilah. i'm keeping myself stand straight but no, i still can't. all i have to change is my attitude that causing you to hurt. my heart, still remain yours and ever. all my promises to you, always be in my hand and in your heart for you to remember.

p/s i love you so much. this could be our 1st picture taken together at Belalong. 9th,August 2008

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Seize them

> been wondering what's happening this year. people change very fast. hmmph, well, who cares. as long i'm still alive and happily loving someone in my deep inside of my heart =D

the latest couple picture

p/s : i know it is not that .. ya, you know what i mean.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Art Of Life

> hey, each individuals will face their life either in misery or easy, either challenging or unchallenged,either in love or unloved, either lucky or unlucky etc.

but it's not the end of the world, right? lets face it together. i myself face this lonesome in my great great damn life. i admit i might not be a good friend, best friend, close friend or might be a lover. well, who give a damn shit. as long i live normal, respect, honor them. that's that. i'm gonna start myself a gallery, as i'm one of the jobless and got nothing to do people.

> here's the latest picture i have taken =)

Aroma *Chill

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nature ?

>The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.



>as usual, you guys known me for two years now. so dont have to introduce myself again. and i ya just renew my blog. i dont know why. just a feeling to do it. things change very fast if im not mistaken. "we gain, we lose"
